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Resell Time and Attendance

Resell time and attendance advantages

Information on how to Resell Time and Attendance

Re-selling a world class time and attendance system

Resell Time and Attendance - Why become a reseller?

Did you know you too can resell Time and Attendance today? Maximize your earning potential with BioSyn. Offer your clients an added revenue stream while remaining focused on your core business activities. Bundle BioSyn Time and Attendance with your current product offerings to strengthen your customer relationships and provide them with consistent monthly updates to the system. Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your business with BioSyn’s cutting-edge Time and Attendance solutions.
You don’t have to worry about the software development side of the application. If you are a business partner you do not need to worry about support either. Our professional consultants and technical team will service your customers..
Resell Time and Attendance
Clocking Systems Support

Resell Time and Attendance - Your clients will enjoy premium support

Serving your clients as if they are our own

Our sales, administration and support team stands ready to support you every step of the way. This ensures your ability to sell at a top-notch level, and support your clients optimally.

A strong, integrated infrastructure reinforces all sales and support activities ensuring all leads are properly nurtured.

Learn more about ZKTeco solutions below

Earn between 20% to 50% of license fees monthly

Earn monthly income

As a business partner, you earn from 20% per month of monthly license and contract fees. This helps you build an extra monthly income, with little effort.

As a business partner, you can decide on whether you want to purchase and resell hardware yourself, or whether you want to work through us. This allows you to generate and additional income through hardware sales and installations.

Become a Reseller
Time & Attendance White Label

Signing up

Contact us today for a consultation session

Resell time and attendance is mostly suited for companies in related industries, such as payroll and labour consulting, CCTV installations, office automation, and any other industries relating to payroll and workforce management.

Unsure if reselling time and attendance is for you? Give us a ring and have a conversation with our friendly staff to discuss the possibilities for you and your business. Alternatively, you could have a look at our White Label option.