
Time And Attendance Reports

Building sensible Time and Attendance Analytics Reports and data

3. Clock System Reports

Standard/basic Time and Attendance Reports

Standardised Reports

Various basic and standard reports are available in BioSyn. They range from a weekly/monthly employee report (breakdown), summary report, latecomers, absenteeism, etc. Reports can be customized per user in the system, ensuring each user sees the data applicable to only them.

A powerful reports builder allows our consultants to greatly customize reports per client installation. Report data can be displayed in different ways for administrators vs. managers as an example.

Easily convert clock entries from various hardware providers such as ZK Teco or Ideco into powerful reports.

Time and Attendance Reports
multiple attendance report

Extended Time and Attendance Reports and statistics

Clock System Reports Dashboard

Additional standard and advanced reports are available via our comprehensive Reports Dashboard. The Reports Dashboard ensures a company-wide, departmental and employee view over your company With more than 50 reports spread over 14 sections.

Dive deeper into the Reports data of your company to identify well-performing departments and employees, or identify problematic areas. You can furthermore utilize the various reports en ensure short (lost) time and overtime is kept to a minimum.

A closer depratmental look

Time and Attendance Departmental Reports Drill-downs

Numerous reports are available to analyse data on departmental level. Allowing you to compare the efficiency of various sectors within your company. This could be used to identify poor performing departments or managers.

The power of our reports and statistics help you to set goals for the time and attendance system and to systematically work towards a more optimzed and well-performing company.

shortfall report
Case Study Reports

Company-Wide overview

BioSyn Case Study

The BioSyn case study allows you to keep a birds-eye view over your company. Monitor criteria such as short time (lost time), overtime or leave. Drill down deeper to identify problematic departments or sectors within your company.

The BioSyn case study furthermore allows you to set yearly and monthly budgets. Monitor progress and efficiency with regards to your budgets monthly and yearly.

You can gain a better understanding of management, allowing you to make informed decisions and to achieve your financial goals.